Monday, May 16, 2005

Monday Morning Ramblings 2005, Issue XIX

Well, less than a week away from the Preakness. My plans aren't complete yet. Not sure if we're going to be partying in the infield or the grandstand but either way, we'll likely be there. It may be my last trip to the second and penultimate jewel in the Triple Crown. I guess I'm just outgrowing the whole party scene.

I'd like to get involved in Harness action again, but I just can't find the time with everything else in and outside of work that I'm involved in.

Got to go to my first Pittsburgh Riverhounds... excuse me, Riverhounds FC game over the weekend. Now that they play at Falconi Field in Washington PA (home of the WildThings) they've dropped the Pittsburgh part of their moniker. Although there was way too much side entertainment that doesn't really fit (soccer has no stops in play as you may know) and the oddity of watching players go through a baseball dirt infield it was a good time and the home team won, their first game of the year I might add.

The Family Guy's Quagmire would have been in heaven, mad soccer moms in the house. Also, the KDK-babes, i.e. Sonni Abatta, Rebecca Hower and Kelli Olexia were there for an appearance.

It's too bad the rain didn't hold off Saturday night though, as the team was slated to have a game on Fox Sports Pittsburgh. Normally soccer games aren't called on account of rain, but with that dirt turned to mud, playing soccer would have been impossible.

Saw Anchorman on DVD over the weekend. Not the greatest movie but it had it's moments. Steve Carroll is one of the funniest actors in the business. Although his part of retarded weatherman didn't get too many lines he still was funny. Didn't necessarily steal any scenes but had some good lines.

Go f*** yourself San Diego!

Anyway, I'm out, you stay classy!


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